• Sitting down to write – whether it be a blog post, novel, report, ebook, etc. – is often a HUGE challenge. We all know the term ‘writers block’, so how many times have you sat with pen and paper and found yourself staring at a blank piece of paper for hours??



    Those days are OVER!

    If you are work obsessed like I am, then you find yourself walking away from the computer, and thinking about your work. Peeling vegetables, changing the diapers, taking kids to the doctor – going through all the motions, while your mind is still tapping away at whatever work was left behind or is yet to be taken care of.

    Then the strangest thing began to happen.. when I would finally be able to sit down to complete a task or even begin a new one, my hands would fly on the keyboard, words and sentences flowing…

    The deal is this: You allow your subconscious to do the work for you. Lets say that again and LOUDER :


    Writing should actually be the smallest part of the work of creating COPY. That is also worth repeating.
    Writing should be the SMALLEST part of Creating GREAT COPY!!
     If you went for a jog, took your dog for a walk, or even a shower.. this is the time you should be ‘writing’ the material.


    Now if you think this is familiar since you heard
    Joe Vitale, the Man of Fire himself, say it… know that I was doing it before HE said it, and he just validated it for me. Yes the man is a copy Pro and you can be certain to learn from anything he has to share.

    So next time you feel guilty walking away from your computer… realize that you may be getting a lot more work done!!!

    Be well,

    ~~ ANDREA

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